Thursday, December 2, 2010

Our week

This week has went awesome!! Brooke has finished 4 books since we started the Robinson Curriculum. She says she actually like the books. I was nervous that the kids would take awhile to get used to reading these books. They are written in the early 1900's so the writing is quite different. But they seem to be getting them and enjoy them. She is also doing Great in Math! We just ordered our next math book through the school. She is just about to finish her 7th grade math book and needs to move on to Pre-algebra. Our school is providing us with the next set of math books. They use Saxon math so which is an awesome program. The self-teaching method is working wonders for her. I see her self confidence improving, I think she is seeing how smart she really is and now she is just running with the program!

Vinny has been doing well too. He is enjoying his books he is reading too. He is on his 2nd book and I catch him laughing while he is reading all the time! I love seeing him enjoy reading! We want to see all of our children love reading, an be a life time reader. He also doing well in math too. He is working on his multiplication facts as of right not. He is ready to move on but I want all of the facts memorized before he moves on. It will help him in the long run. I just also love reading the things he writes daily, he has such an imagination.

Will just keeps on astounding me every day. He is doing amazing with reading. It was like a light clicked on and now he just gets it and he is enjoying it too! He is working on his addition facts and doing great! We just started those about a week and a half ago. He has them memorized up to 3's!! I am so proud if him. He's hand writing is so nice too. He knows his penmanship is good and he lets Vinny know this, well because Will's is actually better then Vinny's. But that okay he will get better in time.

God has blessed us with such wonderful children and the ability to homeschool them. I thank him everyday for that everyday!


  1. Did you ever consider buying your children an e-reader? then you wouldn't have to print out all the books and you would have access to a VAST array of books. Personally, I think an e-reader changes everything for HSers in terms of how they access literature. Check this site out:
    Tom Swift, Henty, Ballantyne, Kingston, TONS of history books, Jacob and John Abbott.
    It's endless.

  2. I have asked for a Kindle for Christmas ok so I hope I get one.


Have a Blessed day.