Thursday, December 20, 2012

School day with Croix- Kindergarten

I just thought I would share a few snap shots of a day with Croix doing Kindergarten.


Her he is doing some copy work from McGuffey primer that we are using to teach him to read. He is doing pretty darn good. I do not have a set penmanship curriculum for him, but I think I am going to make sure to order one for next year. Well for him and Will. Croix must watch Will write because Will writes pretty good but he does not start writing some of his letters in the right spot. They usually end up ok. I am not quite sure how this works but it does. I need to break the habit now.


Here he is coloring his Bible coloring page. We were reading about Abraham. I bought a great little coloring book from Rod and Staff that has coloring pagers to go with stories of the Bible. I usually have him color them while I am reading the story.


After doing his math flash cards for today. Then we did a color by number page. He does such a great job.

He has a math work book also but today we happened to be doing just flash cards and this color by number page. He is doing so well memorizing his facts. I am hoping to be all the way through addition by April. That is my goal I would like to get farther but I don’t want to push him too hard. He still needs to enjoy school.

Next year I plan on starting him in with Will doing a multi level unit study with him. This should help me to add Croix’s History and Science in a bit easier after the baby comes. I have been looking over a few new programs and have yet to make a decision. As for History and science for him right now we barrow books from the library on pretty much any science of social studies/history book he is interested in that day.

God Bless,


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Have a Blessed day.