Thursday, October 11, 2012

An Accomplished look

Just thought I would share a sweet photo I took of Will today after he finished his workbook page inn is reading program.  He is so cute don't you think?

The Switched on Schoolhouse program does not have a reading program or maybe they do and we just didn't buy it. Anyway we are using Pathway Readers with them. We bought them from Rod and Staff.

Today has been going pretty good. They are going to be finishing school a little bit later then yesterday but that is because the internet Guy showed up to check to see if the lines were good.  So now we still have to wait on our modum to come in the mail. Finally! 

Croix is coming down with a cold I believe.  I hope it goes away fast. This week is also homecoming week for our town and since I have a daughter for a cheerleader she has been pretty busy. Tomorrow we will go to a peprally at the high school to watch her perform and then there is a parade afterwards. The boys are pretty excited about that. Okay maybe not Vinny he is more excited about the game Friday night. Brooke is so very excited about the dance that is all she has talked about since this summer. She will be going with a bunch of girls well, thats because we don't slow dating yet. That's a whole other discussion.

God Bless,

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Have a Blessed day.