Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!


Happy New Year! Now normally I am not one to make a list of resolutions but this year I do have a couple. They are not the normal get healthy (get skinny) ones. I have been noticing a few things about my self lately that I need to work on. So in church today when we took communion after asking for forgiveness I asked for a fresh new start from the inside out. I am talking the heart. I have noticed that I have been a little short lately and not meaning my height (hehe). SO here is my list.

  1. Spend more time with God
  2. Spend more time in His word
  3. Pray more with my husband
  4. Praying for others more
  5. giving more

I know my list is only 5 like most peoples is a top 10 but to me these are the most important things in life. Improving on these areas will improve my life and my families lives in many areas.

I pray that all of you had a wonderful New Years!!

    God Bless


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Have a Blessed day.